
Action Taimanin Nude Patch — a nude mod for Action Taimanin

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction

I accept no credit for the models and textures included in this patch. I’m simply maintaining a working copy of pre-existing content and offering an alternative solution for modding nudity into Action Taimanin.

Most nude mods for Action Taimanin utilize executable (EXE) files. While convenient, they’re both dangerous and well out of my league as a modder. To install this patch, you will need to learn a tool known as Unity Assets Bundle Extractor Avalona (UABEA).

This free software can take a few minutes getting used to, but once you’ve got the process down installation and updates only take a few minutes.

This software is used to override the game’s default models and textures with Moderchan’s.

Chapter Two: Updating Action Taimanin

To successfully patch Action Taimanin, you must download the correct copy of this mod which corresponds with your game. Whenever Action Taimanin is updated, Steam will overwrite modded files with untampered files.

Unfortunately, as a live service it’s not advisable to disable automatic updates.

Fortunately, there may be a way to preserve modded files between updates. All you need to do is make a copy of your modded files and use them to overwrite pre-existing content whenever Action Taimanin updates. However, there is one caveat; any content added to the game after the creation of your modded files will be missing. Reusing modded files should only be used when an updated patch is not available.

In the following image, I show where to find your version number.

Chapter Three: Downloads

For Action Taimanin ver 2.10.53

For Action Taimanin ver 2.10.53

Remember kids, you download and install modifications at your own risk. Just because my mods work on my game doesn’t mean they’ll work for yours. If my mod breaks your save file, sucks to suck.

Chapter Four: Unity Assets Bundle Extractor

You’ll need a copy of Unity Assets Bundle Extractor Avalona (UABEA).

This software will be used to swap the Action Taimanin‘s files with modded variants.

I will demonstrate installation of this patch using the sixth release for UABEA from nesrak1 on GitHub. I can only confirm the sixth version of the software will work — previous versions of the software are unable to reliably uncompress, modify and recompress Unity bundle files.

Unzip the Unity Assets Bundle Extractor Avalona (UABEA) — it doesn’t matter where, the program is standalone.

Chapter Five: Installing the Mod

Open the unzipped archive and run “UABEAvalonia.EXE” (left panel).

If you haven’t already, I recommend right-clicking the application from your bottom task bar and “pinning” the icon for easy access. Otherwise, you’ll need to navigate to UABEAvalonia.EXE via your file explorer to update the mod.

Once UABEA is open, click “File”, then “Open” from the drop-down menu (right panel).

Navigate to your Action Taimanin installation. Open your “ActionTaimanin_Data” folder, then “StreamingAssets”, then “AssetBundles”, then “pc”, then select your “model_char” package file.

To note, model_char may not appear to have a file extension.

[Drive]:\Steam\steamapps\common\Action Taimanin\ActionTaimanin_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\pc\model_char

Once model_char has been selected, click “Open” (as shown below).

A “Message Box” will appear asking how you would like to decompress the bundle. I recommend writing to “Memory” (right panel), since for the purposes of this tutorial you will only be needing one of two archives from the bundle.

After decompressing to memory, click “Export” (as shown in the left panel).

It’s imperative the exported file is saved in the same folder as model_char. By default, UABEA should automatically open the correct folder. It’s also imperative not to alter the name or extension of the file in any way.

Click “Save” (as shown below).

Next, click “File”, then “Load Package File” from the drop-down menu, as shown below.

Navigate to your Action Taimanin Nude Patch and select “ActionTaimaninNudePatch_v00.emip”. The version number of the file may differ from what is described or shown, but the installation process will be unchanged.

Once ActionTaimaninNudePatch_v00.emip has been selected, click “Open” (as shown below).

After reading your Action Taimanin Nude Patch, UABEA will want to know what file you want to modify. Click “Select” to open a file browser (as shown below).

Navigate to your “pc” folder, the same folder you performed the extraction.

Insure this folder is selected by clicking “pc” in the address bar. Consider double-checking the “Folder” input to insure “pc” has been selected. Then, click on “Select Folder” (as shown below).

[Drive]:\Steam\steamapps\common\Action Taimanin\ActionTaimanin_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\pc

An easy way to find your core files is to right-click the game in your Steam Library and then hover over “Manage” — then click “Browse Local Files”.

Click the arrow/triangle next to “Affected assets files” to open a drop-down menu (left panel).

Double-click on the listing below “Affected assets files”. Using the scroll bar at the bottom of the menu, scroll to the right to insure “(Selected)” has been appended to the listing (as shown in the right panel).

Then click “Ok”.

The following window should open. What you’re looking are the contents of the file you extracted. Modified files are labeled with an asterisk (*) in their respective “Modified” column.

Click “File” to open a drop-down menu. Then, click “Save” to overwrite the file. Normally, I wouldn’t recommend directly overwriting files, but if you’re worried about fucking up make a copy of “model_char” before saving.

After saving, go ahead and close the window shown below.

Once again, click “File”, then “Open” from the drop-down menu (as shown below).

Once again, navigate to your Action Taimanin installation. Open your “ActionTaimanin_Data” folder, then “StreamingAssets”, then “AssetBundles”, then “pc”, then select your “model_char” package file.

Hopefully, UABEA will automatically open “pc” and save you the trouble of finding model_char again.

[Drive]:\Steam\steamapps\common\Action Taimanin\ActionTaimanin_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\pc\model_char

Once model_char has been selected, click “Open” (as shown below).

Decompress the bundle to Memory (left panel).

Then, click “Import” (as shown in the right panel).

Navigate to and select your extracted and modified file.

Then click “Open” (as shown below).

When asked “Is this asset serialized”, click “Yes” (left panel).

Keen observers may notice the drop-down selection go empty. Don’t worry, all of your files are intact — in fact, if you click the arrow/triangle, you’ll find the imported file with an asterisk, indicating a successful overwrite.

Click “File”, then “Save” to overwrite model_char (as shown in the right panel). Be patient. UABEA may appear to freeze, but closing the application while it’s “thinking” is a recipe for disaster.

Once the application re-enables user-input, you should be good to close all windows.

The mod is installed. Hopefully.

If everything goes to plan. . .

Your task force will be tits out!

Chapter Six: Troubleshooting

Action Taimanin Nude Patch textures are not showing!

Did you update Action Taimanin or verify the integrity of your files? In either case, Steam will overwrite modded files. You will need to download and install the version of Action Taimanin Nude Patch that corresponds to your game version.

Black textures (or crashing).

Do you have a model_char file?

Chapter Seven: Updates

Action Taimanin Nude Patch Version 01b (for Action Taimanin Version 2.00.02)

Fixed Murasaki’s grade map (tex_murasaki_costume_01_gradeMap).

Action Taimanin Nude Patch Version 01 (for Action Taimanin Version 2.00.02)

Fuck it I don’t feel like writing this section right now

Replaced model for Igawa Asagi’s default costume (fbx_asagi_body).

Replaced textures for Igawa Asagi’s default costume (tex_asagi_body_01, tex_asagi_body_02, tex_asagi_body_03, tex_asagi_body_04).

Lewds the following Taimanin’s default constumes; Igawa Asagi, Mizuki Yukikaze,

Questions, requests or comments?