Chapter One: Introduction
I beat Huuma Mina: The Secret to Immortality last night (or technically speaking, this morning at 4 AM). I was so disappointed the game didn’t have any nudity, I took matters into my own hands! With BDSM and clothes breaking mechanics, you’d think there’d be nudity — but here we are.
This mod is just a simple texture swap; however, installation isn’t exactly “drag-n’-drop”.
Just follow the provided instructions and you too can unlock the secret to nudity.
Chapter Two: The Secret to Nudity
Of course, to install The Secret to Nudity you’ll need a copy of, well you know. I recommend choosing the latest copy of this mod unless you know what you’re doing.
You download and install modifications at your own risk. Just because my mod works on my game doesn’t mean it’ll work for yours. If my mod breaks your save file, I feel no remorse.
All I can say is that it works for me.
Chapter Three: Unity Assets Bundle Extractor
You’ll need a copy of Unity Assets Bundle Extractor Avalona (UABEA) to proceed. This software will be used to swap the files from “resources.assets” with my own.
I will demonstrate installation using the fourth release for UABEA from nesrak1 on GitHub. Although updated versions of the software are available, I can only confirm this version will work.
Chapter Four: Installing the Mod
Download the appropriate version of the software for you operating system. Unzip the file — it doesn’t matter where, the program is standalone.
Open the unzipped archive and run “UABEAvalonia.EXE”.
The following window will open (shown in the left panel).
Click “File”, and then then click “Load Package File” (shown in the right panel).
From the file explorer, navigate to your extracted mod. Select “the_secret_of_nudity_v1.0.EMIP” and click “Open”.
The version number (indicated by “v1.0”) may differ from what is described or shown, but the installation process should be unchanged.
The following window should open (shown on the left panel).
Click the arrow icon next to “Affected assets files” to expand (shown on the right panel).
Double-click “resources.assets” from the expanded menu. It should then read “Selected”.
Next, click on “Select” nearby the “Base folder” prompt.
From the file explorer, navigate to your “MinaGame2_Data” folder. This folder can be found inside your game’s core installation, “Huuma Mina The Secret of Immortality”.
If you’re unsure where to find the appropriate folders, an easy way is to right-click the game in your Steam Libary and hover over “Manage” — then click “Browse Local Files”.
For those of you more technologically inclined, I will also provide a file address;
[Drive]:\Steam\steamapps\common\Huuma Mina The Secret of Immortality\MinaGame2_Data
Click “Select Folder” once you’re in “MinaGame2_Data”. The “Folder” prompt in the bottom bar may or may not read “MinaGame2_Data” — as long as you’re in the right folder, it shouldn’t matter.
The following window should open — what you’re looking at is a list of extracted files from “Resources.assets” which have been partially overwritten by mine.
Click “File” to open a drop-down menu.
Then click “Save”.
The following window should open, prompting for a “File name” and a save location. Don’t bother trying to overwrite the pre-existing “resources.assets” file; since UABEA is currently accessing the file, the overwrite will fail.
Rename the file; it doesn’t matter what name you choose, but I recommend simply appending a few letters or digits on the end. This should place the file next to your original “resources.assets” (assuming you sort your files by name).
Once you have successfully saved a copy of “resources.assets”, close all of UABEA’s windows. When prompted if you’d like to save, click “no” — you just did that.
Move “resources.assets” (the unmodified file) somewhere safe. It doesn’t matter where you put it — anywhere but “MinaGame2_Data”.
Rename the file you saved as “resources.assets”.
That’s all there is to it!
The mod should be installed.
Boot Huuma Mina: The Secret of Immortality.
If you’re able to reach the titlescreen, then you know “resources.assets” is functioning.
The next thing you should do is load a save file and try on some “lingerie”!
If you see an immortal ass and pussy, then it’s time to power up your “BRK” and catch some girls!
However, I’d like to point out not all lingerie has been replaced with nudity. I tried to replace all relevant files, but for some reason not all of my textures appear to be functioning. But most of them work, and that’s good enough for me.
Chapter Five: Troubleshooting
If you see the following screen, you fucked up.
The first thing you should do is make sure a copy of “resources.assets” is in your “MinaGame2_Data” folder. Make sure the file is named correctly; a single mistake will result in the following screen.
If you have confirmed the file is named correctly, drag and drop your original “resources.assets” into “MinaGame2_Data” — overwrite when prompted. Try reinstalling the mod.
If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what to tell you.
Chapter Six: Updates
The Secret to Nudity V1.1 (for Huuma Mina: The Secret of Immortality Version 1.1.8)
Revised nude textureS for equipable lingerie (tex_bikiniarmor_shitagi_body_topless, tex_bikiniarmor_shitagi_body, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body, tex_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_cos_ce2_cinderella_01_body_topless, tex_cos_ce2_cinderella_01_body, tex_cos_cinderella_02_shitagi_body_topless, tex_cos_cinderella_02_shitagi_body, tex_eireen_shitagi_body_topless, tex_eireen_shitagi_body, tex_huntress_shitagi_body_topless, tex_huntress_shitagi_body, tex_huntresspurple_shitagi_body_topless, tex_huntresspurple_shitagi_body, tex_huntressred_shitagi_body_topless, tex_huntressred_shitagi_body, tex_kichyou_shitagi_body_topless, tex_kichyou_shitagi_body, tex_kichyoured_shitagi_body_topless, tex_kichyoured_shitagi_body, tex_knightf_shitagi_body_topless, tex_knightf_shitagi_body, tex_maidred_shitagi_body_topless, tex_maidred_shitagi_body, tex_mina_shitagi_body_topless, tex_mina_shitagi_body, tex_mio_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_mio_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_mio_shitagi_body_topless, tex_mio_shitagi_body, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_black_topless, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_black, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_red_topless, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_red, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_white_topless, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_white, tex_no937_shitagi_body_topless, tex_no937_shitagi_body, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body, tex_rogue_shitagi_body_topless, tex_rogue_shitagi_body, tex_santa_shitagi_body_topless, tex_santa_shitagi_body, tex_snowwhite_shitagi_body_topless, tex_snowwhite_shitagi_body, tex_vanessa_shitagi_body_topless, tex_vanessa_shitagi_body, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body).
The Secret to Nudity V1.0 (for Huuma Mina: The Secret of Immortality Version 1.1.8)
Replaced equipable lingerie with nude textures (tex_bikiniarmor_shitagi_body_topless, tex_bikiniarmor_shitagi_body, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body, tex_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_cos_ce2_cinderella_01_body_topless, tex_cos_ce2_cinderella_01_body, tex_cos_cinderella_02_shitagi_body_topless, tex_cos_cinderella_02_shitagi_body, tex_eireen_shitagi_body_topless, tex_eireen_shitagi_body, tex_huntress_shitagi_body_topless, tex_huntress_shitagi_body, tex_huntresspurple_shitagi_body_topless, tex_huntresspurple_shitagi_body, tex_huntressred_shitagi_body_topless, tex_huntressred_shitagi_body, tex_kichyou_shitagi_body_topless, tex_kichyou_shitagi_body, tex_kichyoured_shitagi_body_topless, tex_kichyoured_shitagi_body, tex_knightf_shitagi_body_topless, tex_knightf_shitagi_body, tex_maidred_shitagi_body_topless, tex_maidred_shitagi_body, tex_mina_shitagi_body_topless, tex_mina_shitagi_body, tex_mio_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_mio_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_mio_shitagi_body_topless, tex_mio_shitagi_body, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_black_topless, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_black, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_red_topless, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_red, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_white_topless, tex_murasaki_shitagi_body_white, tex_no937_shitagi_body_topless, tex_no937_shitagi_body, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body, tex_rogue_shitagi_body_topless, tex_rogue_shitagi_body, tex_santa_shitagi_body_topless, tex_santa_shitagi_body, tex_snowwhite_shitagi_body_topless, tex_snowwhite_shitagi_body, tex_vanessa_shitagi_body_topless, tex_vanessa_shitagi_body, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_stockings, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless_stockings, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body).
Replaced lingerie specular maps with blanks (tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body.spec, tex_blue_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless.spec, tex_bunnygirl_shitagi_body.spec, tex_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless.spec, tex_huntress_shitagi_body_spec, tex_huntress_shitagi_body_topless_spec, tex_huntresspurple_shitagi_body_spec, tex_huntresspurple_shitagi_body_topless_spec, tex_huntressred_shitagi_body_spec, tex_huntressred_shitagi_body_topless_spec, tex_kichyou_shitagi_body_spec, tex_kichyou_shitagi_body_topless_spec, tex_kichyoured_shitagi_body_spec, tex_kichyoured_shitagi_body_topless_spec, tex_knightf_shitagi_body_spec, tex_knightf_shitagi_body_topless_spec, tex_mina_shitagi_body_spec, tex_mina_shitagi_body_topless_spec, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body.spec, tex_red_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless.spec, tex_rogue_shitagi_body_spec, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body.spec, tex_white_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless.spec, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body.spec, tex_yellow_bunnygirl_shitagi_body_topless.spec).