Chapter One: Introduction
Strip 4: Classmate Study is a lewd “connect four” game available on Steam. It took me about thirty minutes to complete the game.
When I first wrote about Strip 4: Classmate Study, I was pissed.
I wrote, “I’ve never disliked connect four more in my life. Yeah, I suck. Yeah, she kicked my rear. But for how little gameplay there is (and how little “goodies”), I don’t recommend this game.”
So what’s changed? Well, she still “kicked my rear” but I today I saw the “goodies”!
Chapter Two: Gameplay (3/5★)
Section One: Overview
The goal of the game is to arrange your game pieces into a row of four before your opponent. Pieces are dropped into the playing board vertically, resting atop pre-existing pieces. Part of the strategy is thinking ahead to outwit your opponent by forcing them in “no win” situations.
Section Two: Balance
The game starts off pretty easy — the girl clearly let me win, no doubt to draw my interest. But once the clothes are off she makes it her goal to make sure you don’t see her go full naked! The last few games may be overly difficult for novice “Connect Four” players.
Chapter Three: Sexual Content (2/5★)
Section One: Content
There’s full nudity and a few suggestive poses.
To remove mosaics, type “cansee” into the “Cheats” screen.
Section Two: Implementation
Beating the girl will cause her to remove an article of clothing as she plays. After completing the final game, she will offer the player a “closer look”, granting access to a handful of static poses.
Section Three: Interactivity
The poses and nudity are not interactive.
Section Four: Quality
The girl looks alright, I could see folk getting off to her if she did. . . something, anything. It’s too bad she doesn’t put her mouth to work or something.
Chapter Four: Story (1/5★)
Section One: Plot
Spicy writes, “A girl from school has invited you to study for exams. She is bored and asking you to play.”
I was under the impression this “girl from school” was my hot roommate, but I’ll take “my hot stranger that’s looking for any excuse to show her tits to someone”. Yeah, that’s okay.
Section One: Characters
I wish the girls at my school would “take off one piece of clothes” when they were “bored”.
Chapter Five: Sound (2/5★)
Section One: Soundtrack
There’s just a few looping tracks in the game; they’re alright, a mix of chill electronic for when you’re getting destroyed.
Section Two: Sound Effects
I remember “Connect Four” having a lot of plastic smashing sounds; this game felt comparatively quiet, but not for the better. Dropping my pieces didn’t have much “oomph”.
Chapter Six: Visuals (3/5★)
Section One: User-interface
The user-interface looks alright until the screen goes black to display dialogue.
Section Two: Graphics
The 3D models are stock, flat and blurry. The “school girl” regularly clips with herself and her clothing (which totally kills my immersion brah!) Overall the graphics are “meh”, but I loved the animated “connect four” gameplay. The way she picks up pieces is a nice touch (when most games would just “spawn” them where they need to go).
Chapter Seven: Verdict (2/5★)
If you want to play “connect four” but can’t find someone to play with you, Strip 4: Classmate Study has you covered! Maybe I’m a trashcan player, but this “school girl” beat me at least four times out of five when she was trying her hardest.
But that’s all Strip 4: Classmate Study is. If you’re expecting anything more than an inexpensive connect-four game (including adult content), you’ll be sorely disappointed.