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Sweet Desire is a lewd clicker with assorted anime girls (from modern and fantasy settings).

Adult Content?
(FxM) sexual content.

No. Woot! Woot!

Hours of Gameplay?
Thirty minutes.

Patch Available?
No, not necessary.

Gameplay: overview (3/5★)

Mash the screen and collect points to unlock lewd CGs! After the first few minutes of clicking, you’re able to invest into automatic solutions (or as SweetGamez calls them, “game improvements”) for gathering points. Once you’ve purchased enough “Missionaries” and “Doggy Styles”, you’re able to leave the application minimized (or uh, bring your focus onto “something else”). The remainder of the game is simply spending points on improved automation as you watch new CGs unfold. You can speed-up the process by continuing to mash the mouse button, but after a while your clicks aren’t worth the effort. It’s best to sit back, relax and uh, you know.

Sexual Content: overview (2/5★)

There are ten animated CGs to unlock. Each image has up to four variations for progression or undress. The artwork is generally high-quality, but I hated vertical aspect-ratio — the gallery is more suitable for a phone than a PC monitor. A handful of the images offer sexual content, but most of them only feature simple nudity. I don’t think I’d describe them as having “amazing graphic [sic]” or their attire as “marvelous clothing.” The gallery seems to be a blend of fantasy and modern characters in assorted settings. I prefer quality and consistency over variety. If the whole game was centered on the lady from the titlescreen, that would have been awesome!

Story: overview (1/5★)

There is no story (and I’m not making one up!)

Sound: overview (NA/5★)

I played this game muted — I won’t be judging it by audio quality.

Visuals: overview (3/5★)

The titlecreen is beckoning — who wouldn’t want a piece of a smoking hot (and no doubt soon-to-be naked) gamer girl? From “Options”, you may adjust audio, display, language and graphical preferences. Unlocked CGs can be reviewed from the “Gallery”, but their aspect-ratio prevents them from being borderless-fullscreened. Instead, CGs must be viewed side-by-side with a cluttered interface — it’d be cool if it were toggleable. The user-interface is otherwise a pleasant sight (it’s just the gallery that I find messy).

Verdict: could be better (2.5/5★)

Wait for a good sale. Sweet Desire is a pretty mediocre clicker game. It doesn’t bring anything new to clickers, and the gallery leaves a lot to be desired. The nude ladies certainly “spice up” the gameplay, but they aren’t interactive. Once again, I feel the need to reiterate how much I disliked the way images are cropped. When I watch porn, I want my screen to be filled with porn! I to beat this game in maybe twenty-five minutes — but I was tapping my touch pad like there was no tomorrow. The average person will probably need thirty-forty minutes to beat this game (maybe more if they’re too lazy to periodically buy more “game improvements”). If you enjoy cheap clicker games, Sweet Desire is an inexpensive title with a decent gallery. Still, at three dollars I think it’s overpriced for how little gameplay it offers; there’s virtually no reason to keep the application in view. When you have a game that isn’t fun to watch or play, you might as well go watch some hentai. It’d probably be cheaper (maybe even free), and you don’t have to wait for all of the good parts!

Questions, requests or comments?