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Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction

Work And Girls is a lewd swppy-swappy puzzle game available on Steam. I was not interested to completing the game “legitimately” but I estimate it’d take the average player around thirty minutes to complete all puzzles.

Chapter Two: Gameplay (2/5★)

Section One: Overview

The goal of the game is to unscramble images by exchanging the positions of pieces, sort of like a jigsaw puzzle. There are forty puzzles to complete.

Section Two: Balance

With up to thirty-six pieces, the puzzles can take a minute to figure out — but most of the game is trivially easy. Players interested in skipping content can use the “H” key to complete images.

Section Three: Controls

Manipulating puzzle pieces is somewhat tedious. Selected pieces cannot be unselected, punishing misclicks by forcing workarounds. Making matters worse, the game doesn’t always show the last selected piece. But otherwise, the game controls as expected.

Chapter Three: Sexual Content (3/5★)

Section One: Content

There are ten base, static CGs with three variants each for stages of undress. There is no sexual content to see, only non-provoctative nudity.

Section Two: Implementation

Completing puzzles unlocks images in the “Book”.

Section Three: Interactivity

The images are not interactive.

Section Four: Quality

The artwork is high-quality, but inconsistencies here and there suggest the gallery is comprised of painted-over models as opposed to hand-drawn illustrations. The gallery would make for nice screensavers, but that’s about all it’s good for.

Chapter Four: Story (2/5★)

Section One: Overview

The plot is advertised as “memories of beautiful girls and . . . moments of there life [sic]”. But there is no meaningful progress to be seen in the game. Hell, any generic anime art can be sold as “memories of beautiful girls”.

Section Two: Characters

There’s ten unique “work girls” to see, but the only things that set them apart are clothes.

Chapter Five: Sound (3/5★)

Section One: Soundtrack

The game offers ambience with light, interspersed piano, but I couldn’t be bothered to sit through any more than a few minutes of “sampling” for the sake of this article.

Section Two: Sound Effects

What little sound effects the game has to offer is overbearing. I’m not sure how else to describe them, but they’re too annoying to hear on repeat.

Chapter Six: Visuals (3/5★)

Section One: User-interface

The user-interface feels stock, but it’s easy on the eyes. I didn’t have any issue navigating the game or the gallery. I enjoyed the uncharacteristically blurry icons in the “SETTING” menu.

Section Two: Graphics

I like how only a portion of images are “scrambled”, allowing the remainder of the artwork to serve as a backdrop. Although a timer is displayed on the upper-right, no records are stored and players are not penalized for taking too long.

Chapter Seven: Verdict (3/5★)

If you’re on the look out for budget puzzles with achievements, Work And Girls delivers. Kotovodk Studio can’t be bothered to improve upon their games, but at least they’re consistent.

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