Hentai Waifu Girls is a lewd slider-puzzle game with assorted sci-fi themed girls.
Adult Content?
(F) nudity.
No. Woot! Woot!
Hours of Gameplay?
One hour.
Patch Available?
Not necessary.
Foreword: published November 28th, 2021
I received a free copy of this game for review purposes — thanks Muryoku Studio!
Gameplay: published November 28th, 2021 (3/5★)
Hentai Waifu Girls provides a modest number of slider puzzles; there are twenty-four puzzles to see with three levels of difficulty. Slider-puzzles are comprised of scrambled tiles that must be strategically rearranged to reveal an image. Unlike a jigsaw or swippy-swappy puzzle, pieces can’t be simply “rotated” from place to place. Instead, they are solved using formulas by sliding and rotating tiles. Slider-puzzles are more tedious than challenging once you understand the formulas (but if you don’t understand them they are seemingly impossible!) I recommend looking up an online tutorial if you’re ever stumped by a slider-puzzle.
Sexual Content: published November 28th, 2021 (3/5★)
The artwork is wonderfully drawn. Though the backdrops are mostly decorative shapes, they make it easier to assemble the puzzles (and focus on what important, tits!) As much as I love the artwork, they’re hardly arousing; the gallery is simply a collection of (eight) sci-fi themed ladies with (or without) their futuristic attire.
Story: published November 28th, 2021 (1/5★)
There is no story (and I’m not making one up!)
Sound: published November 28th, 2021 (2/5★)
With six tracks, Hentai Waifu Girls offers a nice selection of relaxing, upbeat electronic tunes. Unfortunately, the songs are no longer than a minute and thirty seconds, providing about eight minutes of repeating music. You can expect to hear the same synth rifts again and again and again. . . I wish the inbuilt music player came with “shuffle play”!
Visuals: published November 28th, 2021 (4/5★)
Until I sunk my teeth into the gameplay, I didn’t recognize the interface — while it’s comparable to so many puzzle shovelware, Muryoku Studio did a good job visually polishing Hentai Waifu Girls. Once a puzzle is completed, revisiting will offer the completed image. Though doubling the level-select screen as the gallery saves space, it also means you’ll have to reinstall the game if you want to retry any puzzles. Since the artwork is rendered in a one-to-one ratio, none of the CGs may be borderless-fullscreened.
Verdict: published November 28th, 2021 (2.5/5★)
When I received, I was wholly expecting another piece of trashware. I’m pleasantly surprised! Hentai Waifu Girls isn’t far removed from the rest of the hentai shovelware, but it’s a reasonably difficult game with an attractive interface and solid artwork. If you enjoy slider-puzzles or would like more practice, Hentai Waifu Girls offers three-by-three and four-by-four tile puzzles. It’s too bad puzzles can’t be repeated (but you’re better off purchasing an equally inexpensive game anyways). However, if you don’t enjoy slider-puzzles I can’t recommend this game whatsoever; although I enjoyed the artwork, the lack of sexual content and one-to-one aspect ratio kills it. For a dollar, Hentai Waifu Girls is a solid buy if you’re in the market for cheap, easy slider-puzzles and fast achievements!