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Lovely Hentai is a swippy-swappy puzzle game.


(Adult) Content?
(F) Nudity.

No. Woot! Woot!

Hours of Game-play?
One hour.

Modding Support?

Patch Available?
No, not necessary.


I originally published a review for Lovely Hentai on November 22nd, 2019. I have updated that review, to reflect my thoughts on this game as of June, 2020.


. . . in a nutshell

Read my article on swippy-swappy puzzles.

out the shell. . .

There are a total of twelve base puzzles to solve, each with three variants (depicting stages of undress). If you get bored or stuck, there is an auto-complete button.

. . . yes, this is a game you can play one-handed!


There is no story, moving on.


The interface is attractive, the but developers dropped the ball on the artwork. It appears to be blocky or low resolution, and each image is rendered in a portrait style aspect-ratio. In other words, no image can be fullscreened.

The Goods

The art style is awesome, but the art quality is sub par.

. . . expect female nudity.


I don’t recommend this game. It’s a poor swippy-swappy that hasn’t aged well. The only selling point for this title is the artwork; but this game can’t even get the artwork right.

Questions, requests or comments?