
My Strange Girlfriends (3/5★)

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My Strange Girlfriends is a lewd memory game with a “strange girlfriend” (or lesbian) theme.

Adult Content?
(FxF, F) sexual content.

No. Woot! Woot!

Hours of Gameplay?
Thirty minutes.

Patch Available?
No, not necessary.

Gameplay: overview (3/5★)

Uncover an image by turning over matching pairs! Levels start easy with sixteen, face-down cards, but they get harder as that number increases to thirty-six. There’s a total of forty levels. Though you are timed, there is no time limit. The timer is for your own score-keeping (but unfortunately, this data doesn’t seem to be recorded). If you want to skip any levels, hit the “H” key!

Sexual Content: overview (4/5★)

There are ten base, static CGs with three variations (for undress) each. The artwork is typical for IR Studio; it’s high-quality, but the art process seems to generate unnatural lines and strangely portioned limbs. I suspect it has to do with traced-over artwork. Despite its flaws, the artwork is high-quality, and My Strange Girlfriends offers spicier content than IR Studio‘s other titles. There’s a lot of lesbian kissing and licking action (which is closest to actual porn I’ve seen from them!) I wish IR Studio published more lesbian content!

Story: overview (1/5★)

There is no story (and I’m not making one up!)

Sound: overview (NA/5★)

I played this game muted — I won’t be judging it by audio quality.

Visuals: overview (3/5★)

The titlescreen is nicely arranged. The artwork and menu are well positioned. I wasn’t fond of the visual effects that occur when you hover-over text — it spazes out! Audio and display preferences can be adjusted from the “Settings” menu, and unlocked CGs can be reviewed from the “Book”. The user-interface is hidden when viewing CGs.

Verdict: is okay (3/5★)

If memory games are your thing, it’s worth grabbing this title! My Strange Girlfriends is an inexpensive, functional game with solid artwork. Considering IR Studio‘s other releases, I think this game offers more erotic content than the rest. However, My Strange Girlfriends is (quite frankly) shovelware. It’s the same crap IR Studio‘s been pushing out for months now — but it’s an okay buy (especially during a sale). If you’re only interested in the artwork, I suggest waiting for a discount and buying the “Artbook 18+” DLC.

Questions, requests or comments?