Chapter One: Introduction
Seek Girl V is a lewd “Sokoban” puzzle game available on Steam. To experience the complete game with adult content, Seek Girl V – Patch must be installed. This article will strictly discuss the patched version of the game.
I took me between thirty and forty minutes to complete the game.
Chapter Two: Gameplay (3/5★)
Section One: Overview
DSGame describes Seek Girl V as a “Sokoban casual game.” The goal of each level is to “rescue the trapped girl” by pushing “the square to fill the hole [sic].” The goal of the game is maximizing the usage of limited “squares” to gain access to trapped girls and “props”; collecting all props will reveal a “hidden level” at the end of the game.
If you manage to figure out how to solve the cryptic hidden level, two additional levels with unlockable sexual animations are subsequently unlocked.
Section Two: Balance
The puzzles are quick and easy to solve. Even when you fuck up, it only takes a few retries to retrace your steps and move onto the next. If you’re stuck on a level (or perhaps, disinterested in gameplay) you may press “K” on your keyboard to skip.
Section Three: Controls
Seek Girl V controls like ass — movement is restricted to single tiles. That wouldn’t be a problem if there was something to do with every button press, but the game is too fast-paced to warrant these controls. I made too many errors due to unintended, extra button presses.
Chapter Three: Sexual Content (3/5★)
Section One: Content
There are fourteen unlockable animations. Players can expect to see a variety of naked ladies with a side of BDSM. Seek Girl V follows in Seek Girl Ⅳ footsteps with more “normal” sexual content, forgoing beastiality and tentacle sex.
Section Two: Implementation
Completing levels unlocks animations.
Section Three: Interactivity
When an sex scene is unlocked for the first time, you have to hold the “space” key a few items to progress the animation. It’s some of the worst “interactivity” I have experienced, but it’s the best I’ve seen from the Seek Girl series thus far.
It only took five games to see interactive sex-scenes (but this isn’t what I had in mind).
Section Four: Quality
Seek Girl V feels like a downgrade from Seek Girl Ⅳ; although the artwork is still high quality, the animation is noticeably rigid. Compared to previous games’ galleries, this game only offers a handful of worthwhile pieces to see.
Chapter Four: Story (1/5★)
Section One: Overview
Technically speaking, there is a story — what’s the biggest cop-out of a plot twist you can think of?
Chapter Five: Sound (3/5★)
Section One: Soundtrack
The music feels about as canned as Seek Girl Ⅳ, but the variety of beats keeps audio fresh.
Section Two: Sound Effects
There are some sound effects played when playing the game, but they felt rough; it’s clear when audio files start and stop. The “game over” screen is too violent given the otherwise light-hearted tone of the game.
Section Three: Voice Acting
The animations include dialogue, but I can’t understand Japanese. If you’re a Japanese speaker, you may be turned on by gentle whispering (which sounds great if your have a headset that can pick up low-end frequencies).
Provided the Seek Girl V :Character voice DLC is installed, a wide variety of voice files spanning hours may be played via the “Player”. I couldn’t understand a word, so I didn’t bother trying to listen to them all. . . but they strike me as “ASMR” files.
Chapter Six: Visuals (2/5★)
Section One: User-interface
The main-menu isn’t as cute as the last few games, but at least it looks like a main-menu. Overall, the user-interface is virtually unchanged. But that’s okay, because it still works.
Section Two: Graphics
I love how the sprite for the player character doesn’t have an animation for pushing blocks north or south. He can only push east or west, making this game feel even cheaper than it already is. I also love how the sprite for the “trapped girls” are the same across all levels — so cheap.
Chapter Seven: Verdict (2.5/5★)
Seek Girl V represents the fourth major change in gameplay among the Seek Girl series. Seek Girl V is most similar to Seek Girl Ⅱ, both offering movement-based puzzles. It’s a mediocre game with “meh” sexual content, but Seek Girl V is still a worthwhile budget buy.