
Valentines Day Comic [Patreon Reupload, 2K]

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Hey guys, look it’s porn!

This is the comic that nearly destroyed my Patreon! For the record, Patreon is okay with adult content — just not mine, apparently. I worked my ass off to produce this collection by Valentine’s 2021. I’ll be damned to let it collect dust on my SSD! The original post reads,

Have I something special for you!

Who needs corporate love day when you have a wombat, am I right? Don’t worry, I brought enough “Valentine cards” for everyone! I love you guys! (as long as I’ve had my proverbial coffee. If not, screw you guys.) I’ve been busting booty all week to make this happen, so you better like it (or you know, screw you guys!) A few months ago (actually, maybe last year) I hosted a poll to see which of my crew y’all wanted to see uh, get down and dirty. Hannah pulled in the most votes, and I sorta-kinda never did anything with her. . . until now! Consider this a sort of “better late than never” post. I uh, hope it was worth the wait.

To be honest, I didn’t really plan anything, I just sort of went off a loose script.

So what else is in store?

I have no plans for new lewd content for the month of February. It’s not that I don’t want to make more lewd stuff, it’s just there are other facets of my studio I would like to focus on. I have quite a bit of models I’d like to work on, such as new characters and environments. With my recent push for commissions, I need more content to offer Nutria and higher-ups. As it stands, the only environment I have to offer is, well Hannah’s house (which I employed for these renders). Moving forward, I want to offer a wide variety of content (which means I’ll be working on “WIPs” once again.) Well, I still have some commissions to fulfil. . . but I won’t be fulfilling anything if nobody responds to me.

. . . shots fired!

Questions, requests or comments?