
Staxelewd: an adult mod for Staxel

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Table of Contents


Did you see Staxel and say, “this would be the game for me, if only it had nudity?”

Have I a mod for you! The goal of Staxelewd is to add adult content to a game that doesn’t really need it. Animations are a little outside of the scope of this project, but they’re on my “to do” list. . . somewhere. My modding career in a nutshell.

Chapter Two: What does Staxelewd Do, Exactly?

Staxelewd is actually two modifications for Staxel (due to limitations of native modding support); it’s comprised replacement game files and a “SXLMOD” file to add new content. The former is installed manually, and the latter using Staxel‘s Mod Manager.

Below are download links for Staxelewd (with all files).

Staxelewd Version 01

Adds cardigan, shirtless and pantless accessories.

Replaces models for caith, elf, and human species with nude models.

Replaces female models for cat shirt, coloured hoodie, dark hoodie, ghost shirt, white colour hoodie, studded jacket, splat shirt, striped shirt, tartan shirt and strap top. Not all of them have been “lewded”; some are identical to vanilla assets for planned updates.

Chapter Three: Installing Staxelewd

If you haven’t already booted Staxel, go ahead and do that. You need to insure that you have a functioning game before attempting install mods. Once you’ve confirmed Staxel works, back up your files. Specifically, you’ll want to back up your “characters” folder.


Unfortunately, Staxel does not support “patching” models via the provided modding tools. Modifications of pre-existing models can only be done by manually overwriting files. Unzip Staxelewd and locate Staxel’s core installation files. If you backed up your “characters” folder like you should have, you should already know where they are.


Keen users may notice how Staxelewd includes a matching folder with Staxel, “content”.

Staxelewd‘s “content” contains replacement models, including nude skins and sexier vanilla content. Drag and drop Staxelewd‘s “content” into Staxel‘s files — overwrite when prompted.

You’re half-way there! The next step is to boot Staxel‘s Mod Manager.

The easy way to find the software is to boot the game via your Steam Library, but it can also be found inside Staxel‘s “bin” folder.


Once Mod Manager finishes booting, click on “Sxl Mods” on the tool bar.

From the drop-down menu, hover over “New”, then click “Add Existing Mod”.

Navigate to your unzipped Staxelewd. Select and open “Staxelewd.sxlmod”. An easy way to find your file is to simply copy and paste the address from another browser window.

Staxelewd should now show up in Mod Manager.

Right click on Staxelewd and then click on “Install/Update”. Allow Mod Manager to finish “Running Content Builder”. Be patient.

When you see the following screen, you’re all set!

The last thing to do is to boot Staxel and fuck, hope it works? The quickest way to verify a functioning Staxelewd is to go to Character Designer and check for blank new content.

After installing Staxelewd for this tutorial, I made a new character — now that’s how I like my latinas! If you’re here from Steam, please consider liking this mod on Workshop and keep it “trending”!

Chapter Five: Troubleshooting

Staxelewd may conflict with mods that replace core game files. However, this mod shouldn’t conflict with any official Staxel mod (SXLMOD files). Staxel does not offer official support for replacing (or “patching”) pre-existing models. Additionally, the likelihood of IDs from other mods matching Staxelewd is slim to null.

If Staxelewd doesn’t apply to your game, you probably didn’t overwrite Staxel‘s files with Staxelewd‘s.

Questions, requests or comments?