
Rock and Girls (3/5★)

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Rock and Girls is a lewd memory game with a “rock n’ roll” theme.

Adult Content?
(F) nudity.

No. Woot! Woot!

Hours of Gameplay?
One hour.

Patch Available?
No, not necessary.

Gameplay: overview (3/5★)

Find matching pairs of colored cards to uncover an image! There’s forty levels to see, starting with four-by-four (or sixteen) card boards. After the first twenty, the number of cards increases to thirty-six. Each level is timed, but there is no time limit or record of score. Considering the lack of personal leaderboards, I’m not sure why they choose to preserve the timer (maybe to shame users that upload screenshots?) If you’d like to skip any levels, it’s as easy as pressing the “H” key!

Sexual Content: overview (4/5★)

There’s ten base CGs with three variations (for undress) a piece. The artwork is pretty high-quality, but if you look too close you may see misplaced outlines. I think the visual errors are a result of poor tracing. This particular title seems to have cleaner artwork than IR Studio‘s other games, but not as suggestive. The gallery is just a bunch of punk girls that may or or may not be naked.

Story: overview (1/5★)

There is no story (and I’m not making one up!)

Sound: overview (NA/5★)

I played this game muted — I won’t be judging it by audio quality.

Visuals: overview (3/5★)

The titlescreen is decent — the artwork is solid, and the menu is nicely positioned. Like IR Studio‘s other releases, I’m still not fond of what the menu does whenever you hover over it. Audio and display can be adjusted from “Settings”, and CGs can be reviewed from the “Book”. Thankfully, the user-interface is hidden while viewing images (for your uh, viewing pleasure!)

Verdict: is okay (3/5★)

It looks like IR Studio is at it again — Rock and Girls is another decent piece of shovelware for memory game fans. If you like memorizing colored squares, this game (along with IR Studio‘s previous releases) are great buys with solid artwork. Otherwise, if you like suggestive content (but not outright pornography), this game is worth grabbing on a sale (with the “Artbook 18+” DLC).

Questions, requests or comments?