Cute Honey: Bunny Girl Review (2.5/5★)
Cute Honey: Bunny Girl is a lewd tower-defense game about a succubus that falls in love with her prey.
Cute Honey: Bunny Girl is a lewd tower-defense game about a succubus that falls in love with her prey.
Infinite Jump is a lewd side-scroller platformer (or a “science fiction theme breakthrough leisure game”).
Cute Honey 3 is a lewd set of minigames where you must guide a stream of liquid into a jar by modifying its trajectory with a “magic pencil”.
YUME is a lewd sidescroller puzzle game about Xixi’s mission to find Li, and free her from sex-slavery.
Cute Honey is a lewd puzzle game where you guide water into a glass. . . and then watch some hentai.
Hot and Lovely 2 is a lewd origami game (with lots of sweet animations!)
Hot and lovely is a lewd rock-paper-scissors game. You beat five girls five times (each) to unlock up-to twenty-five (animated) images of them.
Hot And Lovely 3 is a lewd origami foldin’ game. Seriously, you fold paper and bang waifus. You know, I can fold some mean paper airplanes, where’s my waifus?