I didn’t think anybody would notice!
Well, then again, I do have an “account” button in my header, but that’s besides the point! I’m glad my new subscription-based infrastructure is working out; the nice thing about accepting payment here is that I am no longer bound to Patreon’s dumb rules. I can post pretty much anything I want! As it stands, my Wombat Trap “premium” service is kind of on hiatus. I have some new images I’m working on, showcasing my newest 3D model development. I plan on using these images to sort-of advertise my new money-making platform, and I want to provide free of charge for account holders. I’m really trying to figure this whole thing out, so please bear with me as I try to continue offering worthwhile services to you guys.
Thanks a bunch to anyone that is activity supporting me (monetarily). I hope someday, I will be able to play games and help y’all fap-fap for a living.