
Hentai Zodiac Puzzle Review (3/5★)

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Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction

Hentai Zodiac Puzzle is a “spot the difference” game available on Steam. It took me a little over an hour to complete the game with DLC using periodic “hints”.

Achievement hunters will need to make do without them — I anticipate it would take no more than two hours for players to complete the game without any help.

Chapter Two: Gameplay (4/5★)

Section One: Overview

Each stage is comprised of four sets of images with a total of fifteen “differences” to spot.

Section Two: Balance

As the game progresses, differences become smaller and smaller.

I’m glad there’s a “hint” button. if you don’t want to use it, you don’t have to click it.

Chapter Three: Sexual Content (3/5★)

Section One: Content

There are eighteen unlockable images with the Hentai Zodiac Puzzle – Even More Girls Pack installed. Only one of them shows sexual content (tentacles of all choices) — the rest are strictly suggestive nudity. There is no overarching theme for the artwork.

Section Two: Implementation

When all differences have been spotted, a new entry is unlocked for the gallery.

Section Three: Interactivity

The adult content is not interactive.

Section Four: Quality

Barring a few odd proportions, the artwork is phenomenal. It’d be nice if there was more sexual content and a consistent theme, but the artwork is worth the effort.

Chapter Four: Story (1/5★)

There is no story and no recurring characters.

Chapter Five: Sound (2/5★)

Section One: Soundtrack

There are only a few short, looping tracks in the game. They’re great tracks, but the game is too long to be carried by a mere two beats — I was ready to mute the music in less than ten minutes.

Section Two: Sound Effects

There’s only a few sound effects to mention, but they’re confirming. If you get carried away “guessing” where the differences are the sound of missing will mess up your ears though.

Chapter Six: Visuals (4/5★)

Section One: User-interface

I thoroughly enjoyed the colorful, seemingly polished user-interface. The icon-based navigation can be a little confusing, but it doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure out the controls.

Section Two: Graphics

The backdrop could use some animation. I’m a sucker for useless motion effects.

Chapter Seven: Verdict (3/5★)

If you’re a fan of “spot the difference” games, you may find Hentai Zodiac Puzzle delivers. This game offers an ample number of “differences” among an assortment of beautiful women. However, you got to really like “spot the difference” for them to be worth your while.

The gallery not only lacks meaningful sexual content, the artwork is formatted in such a way it’s more suitable for a mobile device. The images are likely cropped portrait-style to accommodate the user-interface, but it’s a deal breaker in my books.

Chapter Eight: Recommendations


Add more music.

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