
Ask a Wombat! 040

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AlexM asks. . .

What’s your top-5-10 H Games ?

DatWombat says. . .

Usually, when I’m asked about my “favorite” games I just search my own database for high-rated games; I probably enjoyed anything rated “four” and up. I also recommend checking out my twentieth Q&A, where I list off a variety of titles I enjoyed. My “top 5-10 H Games” are unfortunately restricted to releases between 2020 and 2021, so my favorite games may not align with everybody else’s. In no particular order, here’s a list of games I enjoyed playing;

AI*Shoujo/AI*少女 was a ton of fun to write about. To date, I think it’s still the longest review I’ve ever written. Unfortunately, the overall game leaves a lot to be desired (I hear Steam users were shafted by an inferior copy). It’s also censored, but it’s a game I’d love to revisit someday. Maybe mods are available to dramatically improve my experience.

Atelier Tia and ~Azur Ring~virgin and slave’s phylacteries are a pair of action-sidescrollers that were a blast. Like AI*Shoujo/AI*少女 they’re censored, but the gameplay and story kept me going. ~Azur Ring~virgin and slave’s phylacteries is a translation travesty, but I remember a touching story and worthwhile climax. I loved collecting new gear and sorting through their randomized stats and abilities!

Midnight Castle Succubus DX was a wonderful (but sometimes frustrating) platformer with challenging battles. Tower and Sword of Succubus is a collection of games I wish I had when I was a kid — but hey, better late than never right? These games aren’t great in terms of “fap material”, but the difficult gameplay was a welcome change of pace.

Ambrosia, Kozue’s Strange Journey, Explorer of Yggdrasil and Succubus Farm are a pack of games from Kagura Games I thoroughly enjoyed. Ambrosia is a fun RPG with strong lewd mechanics. I remember liking Kozue’s Strange Journey (but to be honest, I don’t remember why). Explorer of Yggdrasil had a few missed opportunities, but the artwork and characters are pretty dope. Succubus Farm isn’t as strong in terms of gameplay, but the sex-scenes are really something.

While I’m talking about RPGs, Tear and the Library of Labyrinths is a must-have game for H-RPG enthusiasts. However, if you’re shy about glorified rape scenes, you should probably stay away from anything Kagura Games related.

If I sat down and really pondered a “top 5-10”, I’m sure the list might look a different. To be honest, I’m just rattling off whatever comes to mind. I hope you find this “list” to be an enlightening read!

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